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Q: How many kids get kidnapped from using Facebook?
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Related questions

How many kids are kidnapped each day?

3 kids are kidnapped every hour.

How many kids were kidnapped in 2007 and 2008?

over 500 million kids were kidnapped

How many people have been kidnapped on Facebook?

me i have help me

How many kids are kidnapped off the internet?

More kids are kidnapped from walking to the bus stop then the internet.

How many kids have been kidnapped from Disneyland?


How many children are kidnapped by Facebook users per year?

2.... not alot.

How many kids don't have a Facebook?

over 500 million kids don't have Facebook.

How many kids have a Facebook account?

a lot.

How many people are kidnapped every year from dangerous chat rooms?

i think more than 5000 kids are kidnapped every year from chatrooms

Can kids have Facebook?

if you're 15 or older u may have Facebook but, i see many of younger kids who haven them close to 13-

When did facebook start using hashtags?

Facebook started using hashtags in 2013. Many people like to use hashtags on Facebook and Twitter.

How many kids get bullied on facebook a day?

like millions of people get bullied in facebook but its really sad