

Best Answer

It depends on the person!

The world record is 69, recorded in Russia. They were born between 1725 and 1765 to Feodor Vassilyev. There were 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets

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Q: How many kids can 1 person have?
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Where can a person buy kids snowshoes?

There are many places where a person can buy kids' snowshoes. A person can buy kids' snowshoes at popular on the web sources such as eBay, Overstock, and Amazon.

How many kids do you want to have?

i dont it depends on the person

How many kids did senusret 1 have?

He had 5 kids. 1 son and 4 daughters.

How many kids do the queen elizbeth 2 kids have?

um 1 yes 1!

How many syllables are in kids?

There is only 1 syllable in "kids."

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to many,over 1/2 of the kids in the U.S. have divorced parents