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It all depends on how much you weigh and how fast you burn the calories..

do 1 minute sprinting, 1 minute jogging, continue this about 10 times..

that is better then going for a half an hour jog.. this gets your heart rate up which will help you get fit and also tone your.. but if you just simply want to lose weight then walking would be fine .

sorry i couldn't answer your question, but i hope this could possibly help :) good luck

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Q: How many kg can a person lose in a week if he or she burns 200 calories per day?
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It depends on the idividual. At a minimum, the average person's body burns about 1,000 calories a day just to survive. More activity (ranging from a desk job to active sports) then burns more calories accordingly.

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The amount of calories needed to lose weight varies from person to person. The best advice is to eat small, healthy meals and to exercise daily. Best of luck to you.

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