Well that's simple, if you live in America, get a dollar bill and measure it with a ruler.. stop being so lazy, but if you live in the U.K, like me, then it gets a bit more tricky. First find someone who knows an 'unlazy' American who CAN move, to get a dollar bill and measure it for you. unfortuantly, not many Americans will bat an eyelid to this though, they are faaaar too busy to look at money and measure it... i mean, that would waste 10 seconds of their lives!!!!! shock Horror!
How many smug Brits does it take before you find one with a healthy set of teeth? Cavemen had better oral hygiene practices than these non-evolving freaks.
It depends on how many dollar bills you have! Lacking that variable, one US dollar is 0.0043 inches thick. So, a stack of one million dollars is about 358 feet four inches high.
1,000,000 / 100 = 10,000 hundred dollar bills in a million.
There are fifty million (50,000,000) 20 dollar bills in a billion dollars.
200,000 5 dollar bills makes a million dollars
One million of them.
It depends on how many dollar bills you have! Lacking that variable, one US dollar is 0.0043 inches thick. So, a stack of one million dollars is about 358 feet four inches high.
1,000,000 / 100 = 10,000 hundred dollar bills in a million.
One million
One million one dollar bills are equaled to one million dollars. Assuming that the money doesn't deflate or inflate.
There are fifty million (50,000,000) 20 dollar bills in a billion dollars.
200,000 5 dollar bills makes a million dollars
One million of them.
One million of them.
6.4 million of them.