it depends on his genes. his dad could have been born with a small dick or he could have been born with a big dick. u cant really say.
The recommended vaccinations for sixth grade include Tdap, HPV, and meningococcal conjugate. It's important to check with your healthcare provider for specific requirements based on your individual circumstances.
In "October Sky," the character Pooky is not explicitly mentioned to have been in the sixth grade. Pooky is actually a nickname given to Quentin, one of the main characters who is friends with Homer.
The average report card grade for a 6th grade student can vary depending on the grading system used by the school. Typically, a "C" grade (average) is considered satisfactory in many educational systems. However, it's best to check with the specific school or district for more accurate information.
Failing fifth grade typically occurs when a student does not meet the academic standards set by their school or district for that grade level. This can result from not understanding the material, low grades on assignments and tests, or missing too many days of school. Students who do not pass fifth grade may be required to repeat the grade or attend summer school.
Difficulty can vary depending on the individual and the curriculum, but many students find fifth grade to be challenging because it often introduces more advanced concepts in subjects like math and science. However, some students may find other grades to be more difficult based on their strengths and weaknesses.
There are 4 books in the the series. -Tales of a Sixth Grade Muppet -Tales of a Sixth Grade Muppet: Clash of the Class Clown - Tales of a Sixth Grade Muppet: The Good, the Bad and the Fuzzy -Tales of a Sixth Grade Muppet: When Pigs Fly
Two inches
49 boys!
3 inches
6 inches
Yes, many do.
201 pg.
A sixth of a yard is 6 inches.
6th grade isn't in middle school!