World wide, no accurate data available. In the US, most current records are for 2009. In that year, 5,403,714 firearms were made by licensed manufacturers. A small but unknown number of guns were made by private citizens for their own use (perfectly legal, by the way)
Millions upon millions every year
10 million + worldwide
2111667 people die every year by guns
they get over 10 guns a year.
around the 17 hundreds :) It depends on what guns you are referring to. Guns were first invented in the 1300s.
exactly 46.8 million airports made every year
For SOME guns, yes. There are not records for all guns.
around 50,000 quads are made in the US every year
Over 300 billion rubber products are manufactured worldwide every year.
Billions of iPads are made every year.the exact number is to hard to figure out.
2.8 billion