There about 28 grams of protein in 1 cup of cashews, on average.
There are approximately 14 grams of fat in 1 tablespoon.
1 large bowl of Wendy's Chili has 9 grams of fat
1 oz. of Mexican cheese contains approximately 8.5 grams of fat, on average.
One potato cake has about 1-3 grams of saturated fat, on average.
HOW MANY CALORIES IN A HALF CUP OF CASHEWSThe calorie count varies according to the type of cashew -- raw, dry roasted, or oil roasted.Here are some examples:361 calories in a 1/2 cup of raw cashew nuts halves and whole390 calories in a 1/2 cup of dry roasted cashew nut halves and whole375 calories in a 1/2 cup of oil roasted cashew nut halves and wholeFor more detailed information about the calories in cashew nuts, use the page link given below.How Many Calories In Cashews6 people, + more below, found this useful.
The average weight of an almond is 1.2 grams. The average percentage of fat in an almond is 23%. Based on that, a single almond contains 0.28 grams of fat.
There are about 157 calories in 1 oz of cashew nuts.
Depends what you serve. -Salad - 0 fat, -pork chop, lots of fat.
A teaspoon of tomato salsa is approximately 5 grams.
9 calories. So if something has 5 grams of fat, 45 calories come from fat.