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Depends on the dealer and quality of the weed. Pretty much it's however much he's willing to sell for $10. It's usually around 1g

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9mo ago

A dime bag typically contains approximately 1 gram of marijuana. However, the weight may vary depending on the dealer and location.

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Q: How many grams in a dime bag of marijuana?
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How many grams are in a nickel bag of marijuana?

A nickel bag of marijuana typically contains around 1-2 grams of marijuana.

How much is a dime bag of marijuana?

$10 for a dime bag $20 for dubs $40 for a q $5 for a nickel bag

How much does a dime of regular weed weigh?

A dime bag typically contains 1-2 grams of marijuana, depending on the quality and seller.

How much is a dimebag of marijuana?

A dime bag is $10 worth of weed.

How much does a dime of cannibus weigh in grams?

A dime bag typically contains around 1 gram of cannabis.

How many grams is in a dimebag?

dime = 2.5 grams 1/8 = 3.5 grams 1/4 = 7 grams average sandwich bag is 1 gram.

How many grams in a dime bag?

A typical dime sack (or commonly refered to as a $10 sack) is different amounts depending on where you live, for instance i live in the Midwest and i could get 2-4grams for $10 but that's also because im very respected by almost everyone who sells but id say you could get 1-4 depending on where you live, who you buy from, and how fluffy or condensed the marijuana is. Meaning a dime has anywhere between 3-6 bowls also depending on how fluffy or condensed it is.

How much jail time would a juvenile first time offender get for a dime bag of weed?

His first offense with Marijuana 1 dime bag. and put on probation 1yr Second offense Now was charged with 6 dime bags and position along with intent to sell.

How much is in a dime of weed?

A dime bag typically contains 1-2 grams of weed, depending on the quality and location.

How many dime bags are in 1 brick?

This is too vague a question for an answer. We must know the weight of the brick. One dime bag (should) be one gram. There are 28 grams in an ounce, and 16 ounces in a pound.

Quarter bag marijuana is how many oz?

A quarter of Weed is usually about 7 grams. Thus, doing the math correctly, a quarter is 0.25 ounces.

How much does a dime of weed weigh?

A dime bag of weed typically contains around 0.5 grams of cannabis.