A quarter typically refers to a quarter-ounce, which is equivalent to 7 grams.
A quarter ounce is approximately 7.087 grams.
There are approximately 7.0874 grams in a quarter ounce.
There are 7.0874 grams in a quarter ounce of cocaine.
7 grams I'll provide the formula for you: .25 oz* 28.34952313 g 1 oz = 7.087380781 g
There are 1,000 Grams in a Kilogram.
50 kg = 50,000 grams
A kilo = 1000 units, so a kilogram is 1000 grams.
1 kilogram (single L ) is 1,000 (one thousand grams).
1 killogram = 1000 grams
1000 kilograms in a gram. As the prefix kilo means 1000.
first of all, spelling FAIL, it's grams and kilograms, second of all there is 1000 grams in a kilogramSchool standard question. 1000 grams.
A Half quarter is usually 3.5 grams.
A quarter typically refers to a quarter-ounce, which is equivalent to 7 grams.
A quarter ounce is approximately 7.087 grams.
how many grams in a quarter ounce? There is 7.08738075 grams in a quarter ounce