Not positive, but I bet it was more than the Nuremberg Rally of 1936.
No Chris Brown has not got any girls pregnant.
The daughter character, Rory, never got pregnant in the Gilmore Girls series.
He didn't get anyone pregnant!
he didn't get a girl pregnant!
Wait, you're not sure if your girlfriend got you pregnant? How many girls have you been sleeping with? One of them is likely the culprit.
Because of the fertilisation between the sperm of the boy and her ovum
The rate for 2005 was 21 pregnancies per 1,000 girls aged 15-19.
If they have started ovulating yes. You are a child from birth up to legal age so when you hit puberty you can get pregnant. Some hit puberty very early. Some years ago for instance a 9yo girl got pregnant from rape in Brazil.Depends what you mean by kids. 11 and 12 year olds have got pregnantyesYes and too many do! Only the girls get pregnant though. Puberty comes early in the 21st century. Girls as young as 9 get pregnant.
Bruklin Harris but she played the character of callie roberts!
no he has not he has had many girlfriends and is a great skater but has never got a girl pregnant
he has 3 daughters
No hes gay and has a girls thing. He cant get a girl pregnant because he dont got a guys thing!!!HAT AND HES GOT NO PENIS!!!