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Unfortunately the suicide rate amongst the GLBTQI (gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender/ queer/intersex) community is much higher than any other sub group and the depth of this issue is very hard to measure because of the sensitivity a lot of the truths are covered up.

Studies show that LGBT teens are between 30 and 40 percent more likely to attempt suicide than their straight peers but a lot of psychologists believe this figure to be higher.

If you are gay, think you might be gay or are concerned for someone else contact a help line in your area. Preferably a non religious one. Talk to people who you are comfortable with.

Remember that you are not alone, scientists believe at least 10% of the human population are homosexual, so if you have a class of 100 young people at least 10 of them are likely to be queer. there is nothing wrong with it and it is not disgusting and you don't have to live your life in secret or in fear.

Some stats:

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services puts the annual rate of suicide in the U.S. at between 35,000 and 40,000 per year. Of that number, almost 20 percent are teenagers between the ages of 12 and 18. According to HHS, suicide is the second leading cause of death among teenagers in the U.S.

Psychological autopsies - that is, examination of a person's psychological state in the time leading up to their death - show an alarming 30 percent of LGBT youth among these dead teens. And psychologists believe that number, too, may also be much higher than actually noted in the statistics, as queer teens are most likely to have the true cause of their death and their sexual identity hidden by family members.

See the links below.
There are no reliable statistics on that, as death records do not record sexual orientation.
because they have just dealt with too long and no one has done anything to help them at all only contribute so they do the only thing they can do to stop it quit life and hopefully people will learn


A 2011 study of 32,000 HS students in Oregon, USA, found that gay teenagers try to commit suicide much more often in politically conservative areas, and also in areas where schools did not have gay-supportive school programs. Suicide risk among teens who were NOT bullied or depressed was also higher in conservative areas. See the link below.

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Q: How many gay people commit suicide?
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How many gay suicdes since 2000?

It is extremely hard to track gay suicide statistics since many laws dictate restrictions on the reporting and publicising of suicides. Also, many people who commit suicide have an unknown reason. It is impossible to determine the sexual orientation of every single person that committed suicide. It is sad, however, that many homosexuals continue to feel the need to commit suicide when there are many support groups and organisations out there. This is a reflection of society's cruel treatment of this group of people.

How many people in the world kill themself cause there gay?

Unfortunately LGBT suicide is still at an epidemic level. 33% of teen suicides are gay and lesbian youth. There are no world statistics, but the numbers are much higher compared to percentages of straight people that commit suicide.

Do gay people commit suicide?

Yes, sadly, some gay people commit suicide. Straight people commit suicide too. Some people, for example, those who know they are dying, prepare their friends and family. Some even have a party before.Younger people who are facing difficulties that seem unbearable sometimes commit suicide, often without seeking help. Every trouble you have now will seem much smaller when you look back at it in a few years' time, or maybe a few month's time.There's a website for gay stories called "It Gets Better!" (See the link below). It has lots of videos where gay people tell their stories of earlier bullying, misunderstandings, school problems, etc, and how much better it all gets after a while.Please click through on the link. It really does GET BETTER!

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This is simply not true.

Why do gay people die younger than straight people?

They don't. This is a myth. However, gay teens are more likely to commit suicide than straight teens, due to rejection by family.

How many gay teens die because of bullying?

This is highly difficult to pinpoint since many gay teenagers that commit suicide because of bullying are not openly gay. Also, death certificates do not state a person's sexual orientation. Figures from a study conducted by an institution in Taiwan claim that 20% of gay teenagers have physically attempted suicide.

How many people committed suicide due to bullying about being gay?

around 3000 people a year, as of 2013.

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It Means you are gay and can't commit It Means you are gay and can't commit

Is gay abuse as bad as it used to be?

Yes, it will always be an issue. People who don't fully understand gay people will always have conflicts with them. The gay suicide rate is said to have risen due to abuse and bullying.

Is homosexuality a cause of suicide or is it the act of homophobia?

Homophobia, discrimination, and lack of acceptance towards individuals identifying as LGBTQ+ are more likely to contribute to higher rates of suicide among this community, rather than homosexuality itself being the cause. LGBTQ+ individuals are at an increased risk of experiencing mental health issues due to societal stigma and rejection. Support, acceptance, and inclusive environments are essential in preventing suicide among LGBTQ+ individuals.

What percentage of LGBT youth contemplate or commit suicide?

Although the statistics around this issue is very hazy and taboo, a recent study in Taiwan claims that 20% of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people have contemplated or attempted suicide at least once in their life. This is shocking since Taiwan's LGBT rights is fairly advanced compared to other countries and their suicide rate is already very high. Sadly, this is a reflection of society's treatment of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in our society. The only way to lower these harrowing statistics and events is to raise awareness and accept LGBT people openly into our society.

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bisexual or gay