It takes two thousand pounds of feathers to make one ton. Depending on the size of the birds from which the feathers are gathered from would determine how many feathers would make a ton.
It is estimated that there are around 667,000 feathers in a ton. However, this number can vary depending on the size and weight of the feathers.
A ton is a unit of weight, so a ton of coal and a ton of feathers would both weigh the same - one ton.
It would take more than 1 million feathers to weigh the same as a ton of bricks, as feathers are much lighter than bricks.
A ton of brings does not exist, but if you mean a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers, they both weigh the same - 2000lbs. A ton is an imperial unit of measuring weight - it doesn't measure volume (or space that on object takes up). A ton of bricks would be relatively compact, while a ton of feathers would take up an enormous amount of space.
Yes, a ton is a measure of weight, so weighing a ton of feathers is the same as weighing a ton of any other substance. Feathers are very lightweight, so a ton of feathers would take up a lot of space but would not be as dense or heavy as a ton of a denser material like metal or rock.
They weigh the same, a ton is equivelant to 1000 Kilograms, if it helps you will need a lot more of feathers than Gold to make a ton
No, a ton of feathers and a ton of iron have the same weight because they both weigh a ton. However, the volume occupied by the ton of feathers would be significantly larger than the ton of iron due to the lower density of feathers.
They are both equal in weight.
It would depend on what item the ton is comprised of. The area of a ton of feathers would be greater than the area of a ton of concrete. Answer 2 It would also very much depend on how thick the material was. A ton of feathers might take up less room than a ton of concrete if the feathers were a mile high and the concrete was an inch thick.
what is the 21 km north east feathers-ton