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Q: How many eyes did argos have?
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Was Argos a Greek god?

Argos isn't considered a god in Greek mythology, Argos is actually a giant with many eyes and he is the son of Arestor. He is also the guardian of the nymph Io.

What is the symbol of Argos?

Argos has no symbol but he has lots of eyes that's all i know.

Who was the mythical character who had 100 eyes?

Argus Panoptes, or Argos had one hundred eyes covering his body.Argus Panoptes, or Argos had one hundred eyes covering his body.

Who is argo?

Well there's not exactly an Argos, Argos is an ancient Greek city. It was named after the son of the man who discovered it, though. Also, the mythical hero who protects the city of Argos's name is Pelasque Argos, or something like that. It's a hero with 100 eyes.(Founded Thebes)

Who was the guard w 100 eyes that Hermes lulled to sleep with the sound of his flute?


What is the definition for the Greek word Argos?

Argos is an ancient city in SE Greece, in the NE Peloponnese: one of the oldest Greek cities, it dominated the Peloponnese in the 7th century BC. Its a beautiful city in Greece, the city my family is from. or Argos or Argusin mythology a monster with many eyes that the goddess Hera was said to have taken the eyes & placed them in the tail of her bird, the peacock.

What can Hermes do with his wand?

With his wand, he can put the waking to sleep or awaken the sleeping. For example, when Hermes put to sleep the many eyes of Argos. And then he basically bored poor Argus to death and his eyes are now the ones of the peacock.

What is purpose of argos?

Argos is a tool used in Greek mythology by Hera to keep an eye on Io, a woman Zeus was romantically involved with. Argos had many eyes that allowed him to always be vigilant, symbolizing Hera's desire to watch over Io and ensure Zeus remained faithful.

How many employees does Argos have?

1 ME

Who is the god of argos?

Argos was not a thing or part of nature, so there was no 'god of argos'. However, Argos was a minor god himself, being the keeper of the winds. He kept the four strong winds -- North Wind, East Wind, South Wind, and West Wind -- locked up tightly so that they wouldn't all escape at once being their strongest form and causing chaos across the globe.

What are the functional areas of argos?

Argos have many functional areas one of them being selling crack to oapS and saying it is sugar

Ingreek mythology argus was a monster with as many as 100 eyes when Hermes killed argus what kind of bird received argus eyes?

Well, honey, when Hermes offed old Argus, his eyes ended up on the tail of a peacock. So next time you see one of those fancy birds strutting around, just remember they've got a little monster mojo going on back there. Nature is wild, isn't it?