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Q: How many enslaved africans died during slavery?
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What percentage of enslaved Africans died or committed suicide during the middle passage?


What percent of enslaved Africans died or committed suicide during the Middle Passage?

10 to 15 percent

Why were enslaved africans brought to the Americas?

when the europeans first came to the Americas they brought diseases which the native Americans weren't immuned to. therefore they died and the europeans had no one to work and farm the lands. they knew that africans had immunity so they enslaved them and brought them to the Americas. another reason native Americans died was because the europeans had guns and were in constant warfare with them.

How blacks died during slavery?

blacks died during slavery because, they didnt have much food or drinks and they was beaten when they get acuse of stealling...

What was life like for enslaved africans in North America?

Nearly 20% of the People on Board has died. Slaves were treated harshly, slave owners whipped and beats the slaves.

What group off people was taken to America and sold as slaves?

After many natives were enslaved and died, the slave traders looked to Africa as the source of free labor.

Did Benjamin Banneker live during slavery?

yes but died later on in life

Did slavery start in the southern colonies of north America give reason to your answer?

Slavery began thousands of years ago. It was so widespread that it is now impossible to tell where it began. In the New World, slavery began with the Spanish who enslaved native peoples to work in the mines and in the fields. When too many of them died of disease and overwork, Spaniards imported slaves from Africa. Slavery was pervasive in Europe during the period when the North American colonies were formed. It was not outlawed in England and its colonies until the 1830s.

Is ruby bridges dead yet in 2009?

No, Ruby Bridges is indeed not dead. She is 69 today and is working for schools and other programs..

What is a Spanish plantation called?

Hacienda, they used the native Americans to work there until they all died. Then they went to Africa to get slaves. This is what started slavery of Africans. Hope it help.

What happened to Africa because of the slave trade?

Great Britain also banned the African slave trade in 1807, but the trade of African captives to Brazil and Cuba continued until the 1860s. By 1865, some 12 million Africans had been shipped across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas, and more than one million of these individuals had died from mistreatment during the voyage. In addition, an unknown number of Africans died in slave wars and forced marches directly resulting from the Western Hemisphere’s demand for enslaved people.

How did Africans on slave ships respond during the middle passage?

some rebelled.many got sick and died,none liked it obvoiusly