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more than 4 a day every day

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Q: How many drinks is considered high risk drinking?
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Related questions

Can drinking lead to high cholesterol?

No, it may not, depending on what you drink. Many drinks will not have fat-like substances in it, but it can lead to bad habits.

Binge drinking is defined as the consumption of how many drinks?

In Nova Scotia, 5 or more drinks at one sitting is considered by the government to be bings drinking. But other jurisdictions will have a different amount I am sure.

Can children drink diet drinks?

Children are capable of drinking many a substance.

How many drinks is binging drinking?

Binge drinking is having like 5 or more alchoholic beverages at one sitting.

Did a french kid die from drinking too many energy drinks?

no because energy drinks can't kill you not even kids

How many drinks for men and women in a 2 hour span constitutes binge drinking?

I dnt kno

Why is eating too many chips and drinking too many soft drinks bad for you?

Too much oils and sugar (respectively).

How do people act when drinking?

People can easily become intoxicated when consuming too much alcohol. Alcohol affects each person differently but there are general guidelines as too how many drinks causes one's blood-alcohol level to be too high to operate a vehicle. Drinking on an empty stomach or drinking quickly can cause intoxication rapidly.

What does polydypsia mean?

Polydypsia means "many drinks" and refers to a medical condition where an animal is drinking an excessive amount of water.

What do people in Australia usually drink?

Australia is considered to be a beer drinking country, especially in the hot summers, but many Australians are still non-beer drinkers. Wines and a large variety of non alcoholic drinks are available everywhere you turn. Bottled water is very popular, as are cordials, flavoured milk drinks and fruit juices.

How many four loko drinks till you die?

its impossible to die from drinking 4 locos you will pass out before you can

How many children die of drinking alcohol?

On average, eight teenagers die each day due to alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes.Consumption of alcohol in excess of four to five drinks or more is considered binge drinking. The consumption of alcohol in this manner results in 1,300 deaths each year, making it the third leading cause of death among teenagers.