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Depends on your body mass, your own personal metabolism, and your tolerance for alcohol. Small people get drunk sooner than big people, and women usually have a lower tolerance for alcohol than men do. People of Asian ancestry ( including American Indians) have a lower tolerance for alcohol than Caucasians do.

On average, a small person will feel the effects of the second drink, and a large person will feel it by number three.

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Q: How many drinks before physical judgment is impaired?
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How many drinks does it take before judgment and physical reaction time are impaired?

One alcoholic drink will start to impair judgment and reasoning.

How many alcohol drinks does it take before judgment and physical reaction time are impaired?

One alcoholic drink will start to impair judgment and reasoning.

How many alcoholic drinks does of take for judgment and physical reaction are impaired?


How many alcoholic drinks does it take before judgment and physical reaction time are impaired on a boat?

The body can typically process about one alcoholic drink an hour. Anything over that will likely impair judgment.

For most people how many alcoholic drinks does it take before judgment and reaction time are and Impaired?


How many alcoholic drinks does it take before judgment and physical reaction?

One drink is all it takes.

How many alcoholic drinks to impaired?

The number of drinks consumed before impairment occurs depends on many factors. These include the time period during which time the drinks are consumed, the drinker's gender. the drinker's size, the drinker's body mass index, and the drinker's experience with drinking alcohol.

For most people how many drinks does it take to impair judgment?

The first drink impairs judgment.

What is the abstract noun for drunk?

The abstract noun for "drunk" is "intoxication." Intoxication refers to the state of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, leading to impaired judgment and physical coordination. It is a concept that represents the effects of substance consumption on a person's mental and physical faculties.

How many alcohol drinks does it take before judgment and physical reaction time are implied?

Your height, weight and gender are just some of the factors that play a part in how alcohol affects you. Even what you've had to eat that day or how much sleep you've had recently can make a difference. But more than 2 drinks for a woman or 3 for a man will begin to have effects.

Can you have a drink with out getting a ticket?

As long as you are of legal age and are not driving, you won't get a ticket.

What on a human gets smaller after a person drinks alcohol?

Their judgment.