All credit cards have sixteen digits. The first four are the code for the type of credit card it is.
It would depend on the Credit Card type. Visa, Mastercard, and Discover are 16 digits American Express is 15 digits Diners Club is 14 digits
Credit card ID numbers have three (Discover, Visa, MasterCard) or four (American Express) digits.
Visa begins with 4 16 digits Master " " 5 " Discover " " 6 " Amex " " 3 15 digits
Amex card has 15 digits.
There are 16 digits on a credit card.
16 digits
It would depend on the Credit Card type. Visa, Mastercard, and Discover are 16 digits American Express is 15 digits Diners Club is 14 digits
Credit card ID numbers have three (Discover, Visa, MasterCard) or four (American Express) digits.
Visa begins with 4 16 digits Master " " 5 " Discover " " 6 " Amex " " 3 15 digits
Amex card has 15 digits.
Technically zero, as there are no numbers in the word "credit card". Otherwise, Visa, Discover, MasterCard, nearly all major companies have 16 digits. American Express on the other hand, have 15 digits.
There are 16 digits on a credit card.
It depends on the credit card. Visa and Mastercard both have 16 digits. American Express has 15.
16 digits.