I answered this someplace else, but on a standard dartboard it's all the numbers 1-20 (so 20 total)
20...For Wajs Huh...LOL
20 numbers
Go to "Why are the dart numbers arranged the way they are".
20...For Wajs Huh...LOL
20 numbers
The numbers 1-20 are on a dart board so there are twenty numbers.
Go to "Why are the dart numbers arranged the way they are".
Around the edge of the dart-board !
20 Numbers on a DartBoard.
there are 20 numbers on a dart board exculding the the bull and 25
The standard dart board does not have alternative odd and even numbers. The dart board is set up to encourage accuracy by penalising poor shooting. An excellent site for the mathematical probabilities is http://www.maa.org/mathland/mathland_5_19.HTML
For a score to count, the tip of the dart must be touching the dart board.