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MP3 players come in all shapes and sizes, and with different capabilities, both in storage and in power. Most are small enough to fit in your pocket. MP3 players are also adaptable in your car as well as on a table top, with external speakers. MP3 players are able to store music as well as other types of sound files and then play them back.

There are three basic types of MP3 players, Hard Drive, Micro Drive, and Flash Based players. Hard drive and micro drive both use a hard disk and have moving parts, which can have a tendency to skip if jarred. Hard drive MP3 players are also heavier and tend to be a bit larger than micro drive and flash based players. However they also have the largest storage capacity, some more than ten gigabytes, which is more than 2500 music files. Second in storage capacity is the micro drive player, being able to store between five and six gigabytes, more than 1500 MP3 files. Smaller and weighing less, but still having moving parts. Finally there is flash based MP3 players, which are small and have no moving parts. So if jarred skipping is not a problem. These players seem to be very popular with joggers and all sorts of sports enthusiasts. Both hard drive and micro hard drive MP3 players use rechargeable batteries that can only be recharged, no replaced. Some of the different types of devices also include additional features. Some Hard Drive players include a small video screen in which pictures and video files that have been stored on the drive can be viewed. Some MP3 players include features for digital voice recording and playback.

Some examples of Hard Drive players are Microsoft Zune, iPod Nano, Sony Walkman.

Examples of Micro Drive are Philips GoGear Jukebox, Archos Gmini XS 100, IRiver H10, Creative Zen 5GB Micro 5GB

Flash Drive examples are Sony NWZ-S738F Walkman 8GB, Samsung S5, Zune 8GB, SanDisk Sansa Fuze. Just to name a few. Learn more at

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For MP3 reviews, you can go to this website, They feature different kinds of MP3s that fit different lifestyles and uses to ensure that everyone is able to find their perfect MP3.

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Well, I would recommend finding reviews of different mp3 players on Future Shop or Best Buy because they offer a variety of reviews of different mp3 players by a different customers.

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Coby, Apple, Sylvania, and RCA all manufacture touch screen MP3 players, The following website provides a great, price comparison, list of many different brands of touch screen MP3 players,

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Yes, there are lots of mini mp3 players with different brands.

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There are many different mp3 players including those manufactured by Apple, Windows, Sony, and Phillips among others. Mp3 players distributed by Apple are often more costly compared to those by other manufacturers with the same features and specifications. Apple mp3 players, though, remain the most widely used players and offers ease of use.

Are any disk players water proof?

Yes there are waterproof disc players. I will mention a few here. The Samsung Mp4 Player Hard Disk Waterproof, Casio has waterproof players for your bathroom, and Speedo Aquabeat Waterproof MP3 1 GB player. These are a few of the many different kinds of players that are available on the market.

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Amazon can provide you many choices in which brand to purchase when it comes to portable speakers for mp3 players. The best portable speaker you can purchase is the iLuv iSP100BLK Mini Portable Speaker for MP3 Players. It comes in different colors.

Which is the overall best mp3 player?

Try consumer reports for a listing on the overall best mp3 players by experts. Also, try for customer reviews about the different mp3 players.