Withover 110 years of history there are quite a few calibers.30-30 win(30WCF),32 win special(32WCF),25-35win,38-55win,307 win,356win,375win,444marlin,32-40 win.Hope this helps
Winchester made many rifle models chambered in several .22 calibers.
Remington.com has a list
There were many different calibers for the 700. Look at your barrel it should be stamped on it.
There are many different models of Winchester rifles available for people to purchase. There are many different models of Winchester rifles, like the modles 1866, 173, 1876, 1886, 1892, and the1895.
There is no such cartridge as a ".308" weatherby, only a .308 Winchester, interchangable with the 7.62 Nato. Once upon a time, Weatherby only made rifles in unique weatherby cartridge calibers, eg. .300 weatherby, .378 weatherby, .460 weatherby, etc. Now weatherby makes rifles in many non-weatherby cartridge calibers, including the .308 Winchester. Do not confuse a rifle manufacturer with the company name that may have introduced the cartridge in which the rifle may be chambered. To further get your head spinning, many cartridge companies make cartridges (all equivalent) in the .308 Winchester caliber including Winchester, Remington, federal, norma, and multiple European companies. The short answer is yes they are the same. If you see a weatherby rifle chambered in .308, (and not .308 Norma Magnum), it is a .308 Winchester caliber (Winchester rifles exist in .308 Winchester caliber). The weatherby rifle is most likely a weatherby 'Vangard' model (a cheaper line of rifles manufactured by weatherby). Top of the line weatherby model rifles are noted for their high prices, ornate stocks and high power weatherby calibers (the .460 weatherby magnum is the most powerful factory cartridge in the world, about 80% more muzzle energy than the .458 Winchester magnum, first sold in Winchester's African model 70 rifle).
You can have an AR 15 in one of 59 different calibers at last count. The M16 has at least 132 variants.
22-250, 220 Swift, 243, 6mm Rem, 25-06, 308. Other versions of the 77 were in MANY other calibers.
So would I, Lance- and I have been a serious collector for many years. The problem is, there are thousands of different calibers, with millions of different loadings (bullet/powder) that will produce different velocities and trajectories. And there is no ONE list. However, if you are seeking information on a particular caliber, pleae post that here, and we will try to help.
Well over 1000.
Normally the caliber is 5.56 x 45mm, which is very similar and I say basically interchangeable with another round called the .223 Remington. But other people will say that these rounds are not interchangeable because of different levels of gunpowder in them and different thicknesses of the brass shell case. But AR-15 type rifles come in many calibers, although none are even close to the popularity of the 5.56mm / .223 caliber. The less-common calibers are 7.62 x 39mm (the round that the AK-47 uses), the 9mm handgun round, 6mm, 6.8mm, and .308 Winchester (which is similar to and arguably interchangeable with 7.62 x 51mm military ammo).
There is no answer to this question, or rather there are many answers. The Rem 700 is the model number of a Remington bollt action rifle. This model was chambered for many different calibers ie. .243, .270, .30-06etc.
There was 8 acres in the Winchester house