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Nobody does. Second hand smoke is not a certifiable cause of death. Any figures quoted are merely conjecture and pure Propaganda.

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Q: How many die from second hand smoke a year?
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How many people end up dying from second hand smoke a year?

over 54,000 people a year

How many people are killed by second hand smoke?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), secondhand smoke causes approximately 41,000 deaths from heart disease and 7,300 deaths from lung cancer in non-smoking adults each year in the United States. This highlights the serious health risks associated with exposure to secondhand smoke.

How many people have had long term effects due to drugs?

about 2,000 a year 400,000 die a year and 3,000 die from breathing in other peoples smoke (second hand smoke)

How many people are killed each year by second hand ciguret smoke?

Every year there are about 53,800 people that die from secondhand smoke exposure. That is about 1 in 100 people around the world.

How many people die fom second hand smoke each year?

Smoking is a very unhealthy habit. It is estimated that 53,800 people die every year from secondhand smoke exposure every year.

How many people die from illnesses related to smoking each year?

most likely u if ur checking this question

How many deaths from sencond hand smoke are there each year?

Zero. Second-hand smoking is just a myth created by lawyers and anti-corporate/smoking people as an excuse to tie the cases of individuals with lung cancer who spend large amounts of time in the vicinity of smokers.

What year did the surgeon general and the national research council linked second hand smoke to lung cancer?

The answer, I believe is 1972

How many people die a year by second hand smoke?

Approximately 41,000 nonsmokers die in the United States each year from exposure to secondhand smoke. This exposure increases the risk of heart disease, lung cancer, and other health problems. It is important to create smoke-free environments to protect nonsmokers from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke.

What are the affects of second hand smoke?

Secondhand smoke is poisonous and has over 4000 chemicals, including 50 that can cause cancer. Breathing secondhand smoke can be more dangerous than inhaling smoke through a cigarette. It has twice as much nicotine and tar as the smoke that people smoking inhale and five times more carbon monoxide, a deadly gas that starves your body of oxygen. It's technically worse than normal smoking; which doesn't make sense. But if someone that doesn't smoke breaths in your smoke, it's slightly worse; because they might not be used to it.

How many people are affected by second hand smoke a year?

It depends on how you define "affected" and whom you ask! It's a very small fraction of those "affected" by traffic pollution. However, both figures are impossible to calculate.

How lungs look after ten years of smoking?

It might depend on how much you smoke... Light, heavy..??