There are 65 more days until Christmas 2008
On December 10th, there will be 14 days until Christmas Eve and 15 days until Christmas Day.
On October 21st, there will be 64 days until Christmas Eve and 65 days until Christmas Day.
On November 8th, there will be exactly 46 days until Christmas eve and 47 days until Christmas day.
Christmas Day is December 25th of each year. If it is December 3rd, there are 22 days until Christmas. There are 21 days until Christmas Eve.
On November 15th, there will be exactly 39 days until Christmas eve and 40 days until Christmas day.
On September 3rd, there will be exactly 113 days until Christmas day.
On December 14th, there will be exactly 11 days until Christmas day.
54 daysAs of November 12th, 2014 there are 42 days until Christmas.
There is 54 more days intill Christmas
It's 61 hours until Christmas.
275 days.