When the question was asked on 12 February 2008 there were 12 days until 24 February.
The number of days until 24 February will depend upon the date the question is read (or asked).
As of 24th Dec 2010, there are 31 days until 24th of January.
From the day the question is being answered, the 24th of February 2014, it is 8 days until the 4th of March 2014.
It is 297 days from February 1st 2009 until 24th November 2009, start day and end day included.
205 days.
173 days :)
There are 23 days between January 24 and February 16.
79 days as of September 24th 2012
The number of days between February 24, 2010 and June 25, 2010 is 121 days.
79 days as of September 24th 2012
there are 267 days before the 24th september
As today is January 23 there are 21 days until February 13.