you can have as may crushes as you like there is no rule that you have to only have one so have as many crushes as you feel comfortable with ---- You can have as much as you want. But its best if you stay with one only.
squirt is Crushes sons name
It really depends on which book/movie you are talking about. He has many crushes.
the three crushes are local, long distant's and celebrity
Crushes are used for experimenting relationships. They are forshadowing themselves for the future.
It's difficult to quantify exactly how many people have crushes as feelings of attraction and interest vary widely among individuals. Crushes are a common and normal experience, especially during adolescence and early adulthood.
The homophone for "crushes or grinds with the teeth" is "gnashes."
Something like 4 billion
Oh yes, you can have as many crushes as you like.
not that i know of but he probably does have a bunch of crushes
Crushes. Ex. She has crushes on both her math and science teachers.
About 26 crushes: Zac Efron LeoNERDo dicaprio Davied Henri Cole Sprouse Dylan Sprouse Joe Jonas Jesse Mccartny and MUCH more!