It depends on how much pasta the bowl holds. For the carbs in pasta, by weight or portion size, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
This grain is chief ingriedient called Semolina and China is the lead producer
It depends on what type of pasta it is, how big the bowl is, whether you use any sauce, and if you weigh it out etc...
Pasta does.
Carbohydrates and fiber can be found in bread, rice and pasta.
Crackers vegetable and pasta are examples of carbohydrates, in starch and starchy vegetables group
Pasta is carbohydrates and protien with trace elrments and vitamins.
45 grams
what macromolecule does pasta and garlic have a lot of
I believe potatoes and pasta are considered complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are things like table sugar, fruits, etc.