The number of calories that 15 minutes of Kapalbhati will burn greatly varies. In order to determine how many calories a person burns doing an activity, you will need to know their current weight, body structure, gender, and age.
300 calories in a 20-30 min non-stop session.
About 6.3 calories/min.
A good dance can burn 5-6 calories in a minute; according to these levels we can burn 75-90 calories by doing 15 minutes of dance.
(wieght in lbs) x (.096)= ( calories burned per min) x ( total min worked out) = calories burned
A 60 minutes pilatis will burn more calories compared to the 40 minute walk.
from some sites details are given as follows1)Bhastrika Pranayam 1KCal/2 minutes2)Kapalbhati 4 KCal/7 min3)Anulom Volom 3K.Cal/6 min
about 300 calories.
You take the amount you weigh in lbs and multiply it by .096, then with that number you get the amount of calories you burn per minute. Then you multiply that by the number of minutes you perform the exercise to get your total calorie burn rate.(wieght in lbs) x (.096)= ( calories burned per min) x ( total min worked out) = totalcalories burned overall
5 min of pushups makes you lose 10 calories so im guessing you do it like ever 2 secounds so probally .5
Depends on how hard you rode. If you got sweaty and winded, probably about 300.
The number of calories burned during any exercise depends on the size of the person exercising. For this example, the weight of the person is 150 lbs. Twenty-five minutes of general dancing will burn 128 calories. 25 minutes of fast ballroom dancing will burn 156 calories. 25 minutes of aerobic or ballet dancing will burn 136 calories.