Yes. Coffee Mate is a non-dairy creamer that is a milk or cream substitute that is used primarily for flavoring coffee. Non dairy creamer is lactose-free and can be used by people who are lactose intolerant.
The best way to get Coffee Mate Creamer is through their web site. There is a place to sign up with your email and have coupons and offers sent directly to you.
Is coffee mate non dairy creamer gluten free
Coffee-Mate is manufactured by Nestlé. It was first introduced in 1961 as the world's first non-dairy creamer.
We are professional coffee creamer manufacture,in our factory there are so many kinds of coffee creamer such as k28 and k32,k35 ect , pls feel free to contact us for informations , your warm email will be replyed earlier . Our business is :
Mine doesn't! As a Brew Crew member, I use Coffee-Mate powdered creamer and it dissolves perfectly!
Liquid or powder? And what flavor?
It tastes so great when you add French Vanilla flavored Coffee Mate creamer to your coffee.
There are no calories in coffee, only in CoffeeMate. Watch how much you add, it doesn't take as much as you may think to sweeten your coffee.
Coffee Mate creamer is 1 weight watcher's point per tablespoon. "I am a member of the COFFEE-MATE Brew Crew and help spread the word about COFFEE-MATE. As a team member, I receive product and incentives in exchange for participating in brand related activities and spreading the word on COFFEE-MATE."
Coffee tastes delicious if you add some Coffee-Mate to it. They have tons of great flavors to make your coffee taste fantastic! Personallly I prefer to add the liquid Coffee-Mate to my coffee for the taste but they also have a powder you can add.
10 per teaspoon