The percent daily value is based on a 2,000 calories per day diet.
Less sugar, salt, fat, and calories.
Calories, fat, carbohydrates, protein, sodium, and cholesterol.
The percent daily values is based on a 2,000 calorie per day diet.
a recommended daily diet for a adult is a balanced diet of vegetables,carbohydrates, and protein
The daily value on food labels is based of of a 2,000 calories diet.
his diet was implemented by the American Diabetic Association to help over weight diabetics loose weight. The average persons diet should consist of 2400 calories daily.
2000 calories is normal young man diet ,sugar. protein/
the total number of calories in a daily diet allocation.
The recommended daily intake of protein is around 46-56 grams for adults, fat should make up about 20-35 of daily calories, and carbohydrates should make up about 45-65 of daily calories for a healthy diet.
The average diet is about 2,000 calories per day.