There are 80 calories in one slice of Ezekiel Bread
100 calories a slice.
Well to be honest I don't really know. But what you can do is look on the bread's Nutrient Facts, write down the number of calories, and slice the bread into 20 pieces, and divide it into the number of calories. XD The nutrient facts probably are supposed to tell you anyways... this guy dosnt have a clue
20 million calories (for an extra-thick slice, a mile thick). But if you want to know how many calories a normal slice of bread has, it's about 60.
A slice of brown bread, which weighs approximately 34 grams, can have 74 calories.100 grams of this bread would be 218 calories. Brown bread refers to a bread that is made from wheat or rye.
There are 83 Calories in 1 slice of rye bread.
there are 100 calories
128 calories
It can vary, read the label on the bread package
160 kcal