There are approximately 34 calories in each ounce or 28g of an average honey smoked roasted ham.
It depends on the size but there are approximately 7-8 calories in one smoked almond.
It will vary according to brand.On average there are approx 680-700 calories in 8 oz of smoked mozzarella.
325 calories
Usually around like 40 -90 calories in one rasher.
290 calories (in 1 meal portion/9.5 oz)
There are:578 calories in a large portion of french fries (in general)500 calories in a large portion of McDonald's french fries.
Oven Fries, Baked: 1 French Fries, 10g - 16 calories Small Portion, 100g (10 Fries) - 162 calories Medium Portion, 165g - 267 calories Large Portion, 240g - 389 calories
Bacon = 50 calories (each) Eggs = 80 calories (each) Total = 260 calories