A small hamburger generally has about 250 calories.
A hamburger patty has 204 caloriesA chicken patty (60g) has 172 caloriesA Jamaican beef patty has 216 calories
It depends on how lean it is! But around 210 calories, on average.
Usually about 250-550 calories depending on the size and whether they are lean beef or not. A 4-ounce dressed burger (quarter pound precooked weight, no condiments) is 280 calories using typical ground beef. A Wendy's single, as prepared, is 420 calories (180 from fat).
There are about 290 Calories in 6oz of lean hamburger.
Approximately 5 grams of fat in one 3-ounce hamburger patty.
There are:approx 432 calories in one half pound of lean, grass-fed, raw, ground beef.
A one ounce cooked sausage patty has about 95 calories. It also has 5.4 grams of protein and 8 grams of fat.
Many years ago it was 1 oz, my guess today would be about 3/4 oz
120 calories
One Hooters' hamburger with condiments is about 515 calories.