There are 238 calories in a 3oz so averaging at about 1666 calories for a 21oz T- Bone steak. Lots and lots.
There are about 21 calories in one slice of Ryvita.
There are about 21 calories in 1/2 a kiwi.
1 ounce camote.. 21 calories
They have a 21-oz which is 210 calories.
1 small carrot has approximately 21 calories.
About 21 calories per oz of easy street
about 84 calaries
0. water has no calories, frozen liquid or a gas.
21 fat grams
About 2,000 calories, with moderate exercise and healthy choices.
2 tablespoons of honey contain about 130-150 calories.
Serving Size 100 g - raw - 21 cal.