Depends on the type
In a full cup of orange juice there is 122 calories but in a half a cup there is 61 calories.
The number of calories in apple juice can vary by type and brand. One cup of unsweetened apple juice has an estimated 113 calories.
McDonald's orange juice is 140 calories for a 12 ounce cup.
There are:12 calories in 4 ounce cup of chopped celery4 calories in each ounce or 28g of celery.Not enough to worry about. Some consider celery a 'nuetral' food. Meaning you consume as many calories eating it as are in it. So, chomp away.
Calories in 100ml of orange juice: 44 kcal Calories in one cup of orange juice: 122 calories
Well, it definitely depends on the type of juice.
There are about 113 calories in 1 cup of apple juice.
not even 1. eating celery burns about 1 calorie an hour. each stalk has approximatly 8 calories.
I believe there are 110 calories in a cup, 55 calories in a 1/2 cup, 55 calories in a 4fl. oz., and in 16 oz. about 208.I really hop that that answered you question. and this is from the Dole Guava juice.
IngredientUS CupsGramsOuncesCeleryraw - sliced/chopped1100 grams4 ouncesCelerycooked - sliced/chopped1225 grams8 ounces