It depends on the size.
For example, there are approximately:
Calories in 2 tablespoons or raw cashew nutsThere are:approx 98-100 calories in 2 tablespoons of raw cashews
Calories in raw cashewIn raw cashew nuts there are:approx 155-157 calories in 1 oz or 28g of raw cashew nutsapprox 550 calories in 3½ oz or 100g of raw cashew nuts.For the calorie content of dry roasted and oil roasted cashew nuts, or other nuts, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions
HOW MANY CALORIES IN A HALF CUP OF CASHEWSThe calorie count varies according to the type of cashew -- raw, dry roasted, or oil roasted.Here are some examples:361 calories in a 1/2 cup of raw cashew nuts halves and whole390 calories in a 1/2 cup of dry roasted cashew nut halves and whole375 calories in a 1/2 cup of oil roasted cashew nut halves and wholeFor more detailed information about the calories in cashew nuts, use the page link given below.How Many Calories In Cashews6 people, + more below, found this useful.
It depends on the size of the cashew nuts and whether they are raw or roasted. For example, there are:approximately 163 calories in 35 medium size dry roasted cashews.
According to one source of information there are 16 -18 cashews in one ounce.
52 calories are in half of a raw pink grapefruit so a full grapefruit would be 104 calories.
2341 calories are in 250g of raw cookie dough
15 calories .
30 calories.
2 chopped cups are 55 calories raw. 1 cup is 28 calories raw.
There are 52 calories in one tablespoon of raw peanuts.
HOW MANY CALORIES IN 1 CASHEW NUT6.2 calories in 1 small size nut9 calories in 1 medium size nut11.6 calories in 1 large size nutThe calorie content can vary a little depending on whether the cashew nut is raw or dry roasted, etc.For more detailed information, see the page link given belowHow Many Calories in Cashews10 people, + others below, found this useful.