you burn about 346 calories an hour.....
Light standing occupations burn 150 calories per hour
The more vigorous the workout, the more calories per hour the exerciser will burn. Full body workouts tend to burn more calories per hour than partial body workouts. An elliptical machine, for example, where the user moves their arms, will burn more calories per hour than a stationary bicycle. Sports such as running, hiking and racquetball also burn a high number of calories per hour.
Play Dance Dance Revolution on the basic setting, and you'll burn approx. 250 calories in 1 hour.
the best excercise to burn calories is dance
About 580 - 600 calories
you burn 300
You can burn about 260 calories in 1 hour by riding a rip stick.
A man that weighs 230 pounds will burn approximately 1,200 calories doing fast paced cardio boxing for an hour. Walking for an hour will burn approximately 300 calories.
No, tennis would burn more calories over the course of an hour.
You might burn 390 Calories per hour of Dodgeball play