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120 calories

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Q: How many calories does a thigh and Wing of a Rotisserie chicken?
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Related questions

How many calories in church's fried chicken?

thigh 330 leg 110 wing 300 breast 280 (original) spciy add about 50 more calories per piece

What is a chix at roscoes chicken and waffles?

The breast thigh leg and wing of a chicken

How many calories in a smoked chicken wing?


How many calories are in boiled chicken breast?

Calories in boiled chickenIn boiled chicken (with the skin removed before eating) there are:46 to 47 calories in 1 oz or 28g of skinless light meat such as breast53 to 57 calories in 1 oz or 28g of dark meat such as leg/thigh/drumstick168 calories in 3½ oz or 100g of skinless light meat such as breast193 -200 calories in 3½ oz or 100g of dark meat such as leg/thigh/drumstick181 in one average size chicken leg (this includes the thigh and 242 calories in 1 cup of chopped light meat such as breast287 calories in 1 cup of chopped dark meat such as leg/thigh/drumstick.For the calorie content of vegetables or fruit to serve with chicken, and for free fruit and vegetable calorie chartsthat you can use as daily guides for either weight loss or weight maintenance, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions..depends on the mount of chicken breast :)

What is the names of chicken meat?

A whole chicken can be cut into the following pieces Breast Breast fillet Leg Thigh Drumstick Wing Oyster

How many calories in chicken wings and calories fat?

who wants the answer to this only twinkies what to know

How many calories in a whole bake chicken wing?

If you are worried enough about the number of calories you are taking in to where you ask this question, you probably shouldn't be having any chicken anyway.

What are the names of different chicken pieces commonly used in cooking?

Common chicken pieces used in cooking include the breast, thigh, drumstick, wing, and tenderloin.

What are the different pieces in a Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket?

Breast, wing, thigh, leg, and some locations serve the keel.

What are the 8 basic cuts of chicken?

1.whole chicken 2.8 piece cut3.wing mid section with tip4.drumsticks5.halves6.thigh giblets7.split breast8.breast quarterif you ever have any further questions add me in face

How many calories are in breaded chicken?

Depends how big the plate is, and how the chicken is cooked, it will have more calories if cooked in fat such as fried.

How many calories are in 5 chicken wings?

how many caloried in small chicken wings