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Q: How many calories do you burn walking 4 miles per hour for 1 hour?
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How many calories in general do you burn walking three miles in one hour?

Depends on a lot of things, but maybe 300 calories.

How many calories are burned in a one hour walk at 3.5 miles per hour and 4.5 miles per hour?

How can you compute your calories burned? Let's try an example. Say you weigh 150 pounds and you are walking for one hour at a rate of 3.5 miles per hour. Multiply 150 pounds by .035 = 5.25 calories burned per minute. Therefore, you would burn 315 calories during your one hour walk (5.25 times 60 miuntes). However, if you walk at a rate of 4.5 miles per hour, you will burn 7.2 calories per minute and 432 calories per hour. But you will have walked further (4.5 miles) than you walked with the 3.5 mph pace and, therefore, will burn more calories.

How many calories do you burn walking 4 miles per hour for 15 minutes?

There is no one-fit-all answer in relation to the number of calories burned. It depends upon your age, your weight, your degree of cardiovascular fitness, your body composition, and whether you are walking on flat ground or an incline (as well as how far you are walking and how fast you are walking).

How many calories you burn weighting 220 pounds while walking fast for a mile on a flat surface?

If you weigh 220 pounds, and walk at a pace of 3.5 miles per hour, then you will burn 398 Calories per hour. It depends on how you define briskly though. Most sources will say anything above 3 miles per hour is considered brisk, in which case the minimum amount of Calories you would burn per hour would be 345. If you consider 5 miles per hour a brisk pace, which is a very fast power walk, then you would burn over 800 Calories per hour.

How many calories does a 230 pound man burn if doing fast past cardo boxing for a hour?

A man that weighs 230 pounds will burn approximately 1,200 calories doing fast paced cardio boxing for an hour. Walking for an hour will burn approximately 300 calories.

How many calories do you burn walking a block?

There is no standard measurement for the length of a block, but generally speaking, a person would burn about 5 to 10 calories walking one block in most cities. Part of it depends on a person's size and walking speed. A 140-pound person will burn about 107 calories if they walk at a pace of 3 miles per hour for 30 minutes.

How many calories would you burn if you walked 4.0 miles in 50 minutes?

If you weigh 185 lbs. and walk 4 miles per hour, you'll burn 400 calories an hour or 100 calories per mile. If you weigh 155 lbs., you'll burn 334 calories per hour or 83.5 calories per mile

Do slow exercises burn off more fat than intense ones?

Generally, the more intense the exercise, the more calories are burned. An exception to that rule of thumb seems to be with walking. Walking slowly actually burns more calories than moderately paced walking. Strolling along at two miles an hour typically burns more calories per minute or unit distance than walking at three or even four miles an hour. Increasing your pace to race-walking speeds, however, burns more calories than slow or moderate walking.

How many calories do you burn running 2 miles on a treadmill?

How many calories you burn by running 2 miles on a treadmill depends on many factors. How much you weigh and how fast you are running being the two main ones. On average, you will burn about 200 calories.

How many miles do you have to walk in a week to lose 5 pounds?

In order to lose one pound, you must create a deficit of 3,500 calories, so to lose five pounds, you would need to burn five times as many calories, or 17,500 calories. The number of calories you will burn by walking depends on your weight and the speed at which you walk. At a moderate pace of 3 miles per hour, most people will burn between 60 and 70 calories per mile. Therefore, to lose five pound by walking alone, you'll need to walk at least 250 miles.

How much calories can I burn horse riding?

It depends how fast the horse is going, and what your weight and height is. On average if they horse is walking you can burn up to one hundred calories an hour. At a trot up to 400. And if you can keep up a full gallop for an hour you may burn up to 700 calories.

I've been told if I weigh 180 pounds I should only burn up to less than 250 calories for walking for an hour not 400-500 calories How do I believe which theory is true?

If you weigh 180 pounds you should burn up to less than 250 calories for walking slowly for an hour, and 400-500 if you try and run or exceed the time of your walking.