appx 6000 calories!
There is 1.714285714284 Pounds in 6,000 Calories.
A minimum of about 900 and a max of about 6000 (for a working lumberjack).
Depending on the length of your stride, approximately 6000 steps.
According to a box of Kellogg Cornflakes, the amount of calories needed by a child in a day is 6000 calories. It might be different for other people but that is the average amount for a child.
the average American often consumes between 5000-6000 calories during a holiday meal.
about 6000 i think i cant actually remember of by heart
It takes 6 SI calories to raise one liter of water by 6 degrees Celsius.
about 4000 - 6000. But this number is subject to change per person