To calculate the conversion from cycling watts to calories burned during a workout, you can use the formula: Calories burned (Watts x 3.6) x (time in hours). This formula takes into account the power output in watts and the duration of the workout in hours to estimate the calories burned.
TEE-guhn. :) This is the equivalent to about 50 calories burned per minute. So in the 100m around 5 calories are burned. It only burns a low amount because it is a very short sprint and not many calories need to be burned. Approximately 5 calories burned in the dead lift. This is because it is a very explosive event done in a very short space of time. At the marathon is a long running event, approximately 2500 calories can be burnt. In an Olympic event this could last for about 2.5 hours. In the Tour De France about 5000 calories are burned every day. The race lasts for up to 5 weeks.
1 hour it's about 238 calories. 1.5 hours it's about 357 calories. 2 hours it's about 476 calories 2.5 hours it's about 595 calories. 3 hours it's about 714 calories 3.5 hours it's about 833 calories. 4 hours it's about 953 calories 4.5 hours it's about 1072 calories.
It's not really about what you do, but more about what you weigh and how hard you go at it. For an adult, getting decently winded and sweaty, say maybe 450 calories tops.
The duration of Burned at the Stake is 1.47 hours.
Calories is the sum total of all that you eat and drink for 24 hours. It depends on your activity level if these calories are burned up or keep the blood level elevated, which then starts causing problems with circulation in your feet, hands and eyes.
6 calories a minute 96 calories in 15 minutes 190 calories in 30 minutes 380 calories in 1 hour 570 calories in 1½ hours 760 calories in 2 hours
OK there is a formula to how many calories you burn every time and that is follows The amount of MET'S x your weight in pounds x the amount of time in hours x 0.48 = calories burned. Running is classed as 4 MET'S because you use more energy so this would be YOUR formula 4 x 121 x 0.5 x 0.48 = calories burned which equals 116 calories everytime You said you do this 3 times a week so this would equal 116 x 3 = 348 calories a week by running.
The number of calories burned jogging will depend on such variables as your body weight, your pace, your degree of fitness, the distant covered, and where you are jogging - flat ground or incline, rough ground or smooth ground.However, cardio exercise when done correctly is excellent for burning calories. For information about how to do cardio exercise correctly, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions..
Sleeping - 60 calories Eating - 85 calories Sitting - 85 calories Standing - 100 calories Driving - 110 calories Computer Work - 130 calories Office Work - 140 calories Housework (moderate) - 160 calories Golf (with trolley) - 180 calories Gardening (light) - 250 calories Walking, (3 mph) - 280 calories Ping-Pong - 290 calories Tennis - 400 calories Roller-blading - 400 calories Gardening (strenuous) calories Ice-Skating - 420 calories Aerobics - 450 calories Cycling (moderate) - 450 calories Jogging (5 mph) - 500 calories Swimming (vigorous) - 500 calories Step Aerobics - 550 calories Cycling (vigorous) - 600 calories Walking (vigorous) - 600 calories Skipping with rope - 700 calories Running - 700 calories
Since you are still breathing, and your heart is pumping, you will burn some calories when you are sleeping or resting. Someone who is 160 pounds burns about 549 calories in about 8 hours. Although the person's weight will factor into how many calories are burned, generally it depends on the individual's diet and metabolism. its called Basal metabolic rate
ok to lose weight u need to burn more calories then you are consuming.. if you eat 1200 calories and only burn 100 then your total for that day is still +1100 . see what i mean? so you must burn an amount greater then 1200 calories in order to lose weight.. i dotn know how to measure calories burned but i would guess about 2 hours exercise a day would be enough