for a person weight 220 pds walk 5 km in 1 hour burn about 520 calories in winter time outdoor
The amount of calories burned per kilometer depends upon a person's weight and the speed they are walking or jogging. For walking, 80 calories and for running around 110 calories. These values would vary, for an individual calculation see the related links.
a 150 pound person burns 352 calories per hour walking on crutches, a 180 pound person burns 409.
The calories burned when walking depends on your weight and how fast you are walking, so it would be almost impossible to estimate the calories (or partial calories) burned in only one step. The calories burned when walking are usually stated in the distance you walk. For example, a rule of thumb is 100 calories per mile are burned for a 180-pound person and 65 calories per mile for a 120-pound person.
It depends how fast you are walking, your body weight, your degree of fitness, what kind of ground you are walking on (soft or hard) and whether the ground is flat, or a slight incline, or a hill. Typically, people of average weight, average fitness, walking on average ground, walking at an average speed, might burn about 100 calories per mile. For the average person a slow walk might be 200 calories burned in an hour and a half, while for the average person a faster walk could burn as much as 500 calories in an hour and a half.
Approx. 166 if you are walking at an average pace and you are an average sized person. Everything changes when it comes down to sex, age, height, health and so on. To whoever wrote the above, you may have been thinking per hour at a very slow walking speed, or in kilo jules, but not per killometre! (Kilo)Calories burned per killometre of walking do vary depending on mass, sex, height and age, but it is roughly 1 (kilo)Calorie per Kilogram of body mass [burnt per kilometer of walking]. So in order to burn 166 KiloCalories by walking 1 kilometer, one would have to have a weight larger than 1600 Nutens of force, approximatly 160 kilograms of mass.
Your weight and the distance you walk determine the energy calories burned while walking. Walking speed matters less than distance and weight. A rule of thumb is 100 calories per mile for a 180-pound person and 65 for a 120-pound person. Use this calculator or see the chart at the bottom of the page.
That depends on how you are covering that mile, your weight, and your pace. You could by walking, jogging, or riding a bike, for example. The number of calories burned will vary from person to person in accordance with those factors. Feel free to ask the question again and include more details.
Approximately 120 calories, 200 if you walk in the road ditches.
Varies from person to person
The number of calories that are burned doing exercises on the Total Gym will vary depending the person's weight and intensity of the workout. Approximately 250 calories can be burned doing a vigorous 30 minute Total Gym workout by a 200 pound person.
It depends on the speed gone, the kind of bike ridden, and the weight of the person riding. However, on average, approximately 36 calories per mile are burned. Therefore, about 560 calories would be burned.
How many calories are burned when swimming depends on the person's weight and the size of the pool. For a person who weighs 150 pounds in a pool that is 25 yards in length they will burn 414 calories for an hour of doing a front crawl.