About 550 I think
A grilled cheese sandwich would be more fattening because the turkey wrap is not fried.
I found this in a couple places on the internet, The Turkey Wrap is not so good on Weight Watcher points. {| |- | Turkey Wrap Calories 810, Fat 38, Fiber 7, POINTS 18, Uh Oh. http:/www.wisegeek.com/what-is-the-nutrition-information-for-items-in-the-costco-food-court.htm |}
480 calories
270 calories
In turkey pepperoni there are 70 calories per serving
3.5 ounces of fried turkey has about 190 calories.
There are 280 calories.
There are about 390 calories in that.
There will be about 250 calories in it. Breaking down the calories (on average) Wrap - 120, Salsa - 10, Cheese - 120.
How much turkey?
In a package of budding turkey you will find approximately 80 calories.