One serving of Cella's chocolate covered cherries contains 110 calories. This is based on one serving consisting of two cherries weighing a total of 28.4g.
In a chocolate-covered doughnut there's about 200 calories so you shouldn't eat them that much.
There are 220 calories in NINE pieces of mauna loa dark chocolate covered macadamia nuts.
In a large soft pretzel there are approximately 300-400 calories
Using Trader Joes Nutritional Information, there are 2240 calories (dietary kcals) in 1 Lb of chocolate covered ginger.
About 645 calories if you assume cherries have 90 calories per 140 grams.
One bing cherry has approx. 4 eleven bing cherries will have approx. 44 calories.
It's around 4 calories a cherry.
it depends how big the almonds are! hahaha XD but no if it's a normal sized almond it's about 4 calories. : ) There is 230 calories in 9 pieces of dark (which is supposed to be better for you) chocolate covered almonds:16 grams Fat(8g. saturated); 19 grams carbs; 12 grams sugar-
There are 120 calories in the average pumpkin chocolate cookie.
There are 74 calories in a cup of cherries. About 5 calories per cherry.
One tablespoon of dried cherries contains 33 calories and 8 grams of carbohydrate. One tablespoon also contains 242 milligrams of protein.
660 calories