According to, approximately 100. Of course, that's gonna vary with the size of the square.
It is not possible to give a sensible answer to the question. A square metre is a measure of area in 2-dimensional space whereas the mass of rice depends on the volume - a 3-dimensional measure - of rice. The height of the pile of rice will affect the mass of rice.
the sqare root of rice is grainfart.
There are precisely 5,539 grains of rice in a handful.
There are about 49 grains of rice in a gram.
According to, if rice is a staple part of your diet, then you need 18,400 grains of rice.
I'd say 4!
I believe the fourth Rice Krispie brother's name was Pow.
No This stuff is mostly Rice.
yes they can.
how can i make black rice krispie treats, want to make some orange ones, but want black ones too
Nestle Crunch
Snap, Crackle and Pop
use margarine
There are about 211 calories in 1 cup of Spanish rice.
buy some rice krispie treats pretty good and i dont think they have pork in them but dont take my advice call the 1-800 number on the box
Materials: Rice Krispy Cereal Butter (Or Margarine) Marshmallows Simply just set your Rice Krispie Cereal to the side. Turn on stove on low heat. Place whole bag of marshmallows into a big pot. Add 4 tsp. of butter. Mix Throughly till creamy. When Creamy add rice krispie cereal to the mixture. Stir, till all rice krispie cereal is with the mixture of marshmallows & butter. Let sit & cool. Enjoy! For more specific instructions just look on the side of your rice krispie cereal box.
there is 500 calories i 3 oz of rice