There are:
Calories in extra lean ground beefThere are:approx 38 calories in 1 oz or 28g of extra lean, raw, ground beef sirloinapprox 304 calories in 8 oz or 230g of extra lean, raw, ground beef sirloinapprox 608 calories in 1 pound or 454g of extra lean, raw, ground, beef sirloin.
There are:approx 2400 calories in 50 ounces of lean roast beefapprox 2750 calories in 50 ounces of boiled, chopped, beefapprox 2700 calories in 50 ounces of lean, grass-fed, raw, ground beef.
Calories in 1 pound of lean ground beefThere are:approx 608 calories in 1 pound or 454g of extra lean, raw, ground beefapprox 768 calories in 1 pound or 454g of extra lean, pan-browned cooked (no added fat or oil), ground beef.For the calories in vegetables and fruits to serve with ground beef, and vegetable and fruit calorie charts, which you may use as daily guides, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
Calories in 3 oz of ground beef.In natural lean grass-fed beef, there are:approx 162 calories in 3 oz of lean, grass-fed raw, ground beefIn 85% lean 15% fat, there are:approx 183 calories in 3 oz of 85% lean/fat, raw, ground beefIn 80% lean 20% fat, there are:approx 216 calories in 3 oz of 80% lean/fat, raw, ground beefIn 75% lean 25% fat, there are:approx 249 calories in 3 oz of 75% lean/fat, raw, ground beefIn 70% lean 30% fat, there are:approx 282 calories in 3 oz of 70% lean/fat, raw, ground beef.For the calories in vegetables and fruits to serve with beef, and Vegetable and Fruit Calorie Charts that you may use as daily guides, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
It depends whether you mean cooked beef or raw beef. Here are some examples:In cooked roast beef there are:approx 46 calories in each ounce of lean roast beefapprox 69 calories in a 1½ ounces of lean roast beef.In raw ground beef there are:approx 54 calories in 1 ounce, or 28g, of lean, grass-fed, raw, ground beef.
Calories in 4 ounces of lean ground beefIn natural lean grass-fed beef there are:approx 54 calories in 1 ounce, or 28g, of lean, grass-fed, raw, ground beefapprox 216 calories in 4 ounces of lean, grass-fed, raw, ground beef.For the calorie content of vegetables and fruits to serve with lean ground beef, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
Calories in 4 oz beefIn cooked roast beef there are:approx 138 calories in a 4 oz serving of lean roast beefapprox 46 calories in each ounce of lean roast beef.In raw ground beef there are:approx 216 calories in 4 ounce of lean, grass-fed, raw, ground beefapprox 54 calories in 1 ounce of lean, grass-fed, raw, ground beef.
In natural lean grass-fed beef there are:approx 216 calories in 4 ounces of lean, grass-fed, raw, ground beef.In 85% lean 15% fat (not grass-fed) there are:approx 224 calories in 4 ounce of 85% lean, raw, ground beef.In 80% lean 20% fat (not grass-fed) there are:approx 288 calories in 4 ounces of 80% lean, raw, ground beef.In 75% lean 25% fat (not grass-fed) there are:approx 332 calories in 4 ounces of 75% lean, raw, ground beef.In 70% lean 30% fat (not grass-fed) there are:approx 376 calories in 4 ounces of 70% lean, raw, ground beef.
In 85% lean 15% fat, there are:approx 244 calories in 4 ounces of 85% lean, raw, ground beefapprox 488 calories in 8 ounces of 85% lean, raw, ground beefapprox 975 calories in 1 pound of 85% lean, raw, ground beefapprox 60-61 calories in each 1 ounce of 85% lean, raw, ground beef.
Calories in 80 percent ground beefThere are:approx 1152 calories in 1 pound, or 454g, of 80% lean, raw, ground beef.approx 576 calories in 8 ounces, or 227g, of 80% lean, raw, ground beefapprox 72 calories in 1 ounce, or 28g, of 80% lean, raw, ground beef.
Calories in 3 ounces of ground beef.In natural lean grass-fed beef, there are:approx 162 calories in 3 ounces of lean, grass-fed, raw, ground beefIn 85% lean 15% fat, there are:approx 183 calories in 3 ounces of 85% lean, raw, ground beefIn 80% lean 20% fat, there are:approx 216 calories in 3 ounces of 80% lean, raw, ground beefIn 75% lean 25% fat, there are:approx 249 calories in 3 ounces of 75% lean, raw, ground beefIn 70% lean 30% fat, there are:approx 282 calories in 3 ounces of 70% lean, raw, ground beef.For the calories in vegetables and fruits to serve with beef, and Vegetable and Fruit Calorie Charts that you may use as daily guides, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
That depends on what kind of lean meat you have in mind. Please feel free to ask the question again and include more detail. Meanwhile, for the calories in beef, the calories in chicken, and the calories in turkey, please see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.