That depends on the protein that you have in mind. There are many different types of protein. Please feel free to ask the question again and include more detail.
Butterscotch Schnapps has 72 calories, 0g fat, 10.6g sugar, and 0g protein in 1 oz.
There are 5 calories in 1 oz of uncooked tomato.
There are approximately 4 calories in 1 gram of protein.
30 calories in 1 oz 120 calories in 4 oz 180 calories in 6 oz
1 g of protein has 4 calories so o ounce of protein has 113.4 calories
4 calories in 1 gram of protein!
1 gram of protein = 4 calories.
There are about 18.5 grams of protein in 3.5 oz of talapia, and about 98 calories and no fat.
4 calories
There are about 42 calories in 1 oz of oxtail.
1 gram of protein is the equivalent to 4 calories.
About 220 calories.