

Best Answer
Calories in 1 eggThere are:
  • approx 90 calories in 1 jumbo size egg
  • approx 80 calories in 1 extra large size egg
  • approx 72 -78 calories in 1 large size egg
  • approx 63 calories in 1 medium size egg
  • approx 54 calories in 1 small size egg.

For the calorie content of scrambled eggs, or the calorie content of vegetables or fruit to serve with eggs, and vegetable and fruit calorie charts, which you can use as daily guides, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.


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Q: How many calories are in 1 egg?
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There are approximately 92 calories in one large egg with the mimumin of fat added and 78 calories of one dry fried (no fat added) large egg.Here are further dry fried examples:Approx 54 calories in 1 small size egg dry fried.Approx 78 calories for one large egg dry friedApprox 54 calories in 1 small size egg dry friedApprox 63 calories in 1 medium size egg dry fried.

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How many calories are in one egg and two egg whites?

There are approx 72 -78 calories in 1 large size egg and 16-17 calories in the white of a large size egg. Therefore, 104-112 calories in total for one large egg and two large egg whites.

How many calories are in an egg omelette?

There are about 94 calories in an egg omlette.