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THERE ARE 125 CALORIES IN ONE CIGARRETE I THINK THATS WHAT I HAVE HEARD.OTHERS THINK YOU BURN CALORIES FROM CIGARETTES BUT YOU ARE WRONG YOU GAIN CALORIES. Actually! Smoking burns calories. According to a scienctific research, one cigarette will burn 10 calories. Which means, a pack of 20 will burn 200 calories. Although, i wouldn't use this to help lose weight. I don't think there is anything wrong with smoking, it is that persons own choice. I'm a smoker myself.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Yes. It's estimated that smoking a pack a day is the equivalent of metabolizing an extra 200 calories per day. But, it's not what you think - there is a reason for this and it's not a good one:

Every time you smoke, your body releases a little insulin, just as it does when you eat. This curbs your hunger a bit. It also sets you up to develop Diabetes. That's why smokers - even if they are underweight - have a high risk of diabetes, same as someone who is overweight.

It's also why you'll see a skinny smoker who has a muffin-top roll around the middle of their waist, the dreaded apple shape, a sign of susceptibility to diabetes.

If you want to quit, and you dread the weight gain, there are things you can do. Walking every day can help curb cravings, prevent the depression many people get when they quit, and also burn about 200 calories.

There's also research indicating that modest use of nicotine gum and coffee (just two 2 mg pieces of gum and one or two cups of coffee) can offset the weight gain.

Regardless, if you do gain weight, remember that it's because your body is getting back to a healthier normal, one that doesn't have constant insulin swings all day long every time you light up.

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16y ago


Infact smoking cigarettes actually burns about 10-20 calories per stick.

Dont let that start you though, the habit will kill you and for the sake of burning 10-20 cals you could just walk some more.

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17y ago

i am a smoker myself and having a smoke doesnt burn calories in itself but it ups your metabalism. your heart will immediatly increase by about 10-20 beats per minute and that is also why you gain weight when you quit smoking. Amanda

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14y ago

Probably 0, I've gotten fatter since I started back smoking!

you loose none because your not exercising your just smoking harmful chemicals not loosing weight to loose weight you need to exercise and eat right and to quit smoking

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13y ago

No, there are no calories in cigarettes.

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13y ago

A pack or more a day.i'm a hard smoker.

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13y ago

Zero calories

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