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If you're sitting on your butt on a lawn mower and you aren't doing anything, you aren't burning any extra calories.

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15y ago

i depends how big your lawn is

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Q: How many calories are burnt when mowing the lawn?
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How many calories are burned mowing?

I mowed the lawn with a push mower,for 60 minutes,took 139 s,teps how many calories did i burn

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Either one. Babysitting - how many kids? Lawn mowing - how big of area needs to be mowed?

What services are generally provided by lawn mowing services?

sod laying, lawn mowing, and seeding. Firms can also serve niche markets such as lawn mulching, cemetery maintenance, garden planting, fertilizing, lawn sprayingsod laying, lawn mowing, and seeding. Firms can also serve niche markets such as lawn mulching, cemetery maintenance, garden planting, fertilizing, lawn spraying

Does a lawn service do more than just mow?

Lawn services generally do more than just mow your lawn. However some small owned lawn services will only mow your lawn so it is best to check with the company to see what services they offer.

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Approximately 150 calories an hour.

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average is about 0.56

What are the positive or negative impact of mowing your lawn and putting the grass clipping in the garbage?

If we mowing our lawn and putting the grass clippings in garbage it may affects the environment , because the ground becomes harder and loosing moisture which affects the lives of so many creatures living in soil.

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That depends on how long you do it.

How many calories in 8 ounces of burnt ends?


How many calories are burnt by one hour of walking at 2 mph For a person weighing about 600 pounds?

too be honest , you have probally burnt about 200 calories .

How many calories are burnt in 1 hour pilates?

About 300 calories are burnt after 1 hour of pilates.

How many calories can you burn playing 1 hour of badminton?

A person of 125-174 pounds: 43 calories burnt every 10 mins 175-250 pounds: 65 calories burnt every 10 mins 250+ pounds: 94 calories burnt every 10 mins.