One byte is 0.125 to 1 bit. So 4 bits, is .5 bytes.
In computing, a block length is the length, in bytes or characters, of a block of data.
Almost 1 Megabyte. 1 Megabyte is a unit of computer memory or data storage capacity, equal to 1,048,576 (220) bytes.
In the context of data storage, 1 gigabyte (GB) is equal to 1,073,741,824 bytes. Since each byte is a single unit of data, there are a total of 10,737,418,240 bytes in 10 GB. To determine the number of zeros in 10 GB, we need to count the number of zeros in this total byte value, which is 3 zeros.
Youtube.. Google..
The padding needs to make the size of the data section 46 bytes. If the data received from the upper layer is 42 bytes, we need 46 − 42 = 4 bytes of padding.
The padding needs to make the size of the data section 46 bytes. If the data received from the upper layer is 42 bytes, we need 46 − 42 = 4 bytes of padding.
419 430 400 bytes
Bytes:32768 Bits:262144
16 bytes
61440 Mega Bytes(MB) that is 62914560 Kilo bytes(KB) that is 64424509440 BYTES....- Mayank
14 bytes for the header and 4 bytes for the FCS (Frame Check Sequence) for a total of 18 bytes.
53 bytes
A stick of 512 megabytes of RAM can hold about 512 megabytes of data. It cannot, however, store it for long because it is volatile and is not designed to store data.
Cva:The data rate depends on the bus width. The no. of bytes that can be transferred per bus cycle = buswidth/8;
640 x 1024 x 1024 bytes (data transfer) 640 x 1000 x 1000 bytes (storage)