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Most common 45s (1911 models) hold 7 rounds in the magazine (single stack), one in the chamber. There are magazines for the 1911 (45 acp) that hold 10, 12, 15 or more. These are quite long and protrude out of the frame several inches.

Some of the more modern 45s hold the rounds in a staggered fashion. These can hold 10 or more rounds. The trade off is that these higher-capacity 45s have a larger diameter grip (where the magazine goes). This can make shooting difficult for those with smaller hands.

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Q: How many bullets does a 45 acp hold?
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1-100 depending on EXACT model

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Glock pistols are made in a variety of calibers. Currently available in .380 ACP, 9mm Luger, .357 Sig, .40 S&W, 10mm Auto, .45 ACP and .45 GAP.

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9x19 Parabellum 9x21 IMI .40 S&W .45 ACP

How many bullets does a combat 45 handgun contain?

It depends on which model or brand you are talking about. Some hold 5 or 6, some hold as many as 14.

For guns What is more powerful a 45acp 0r a 9mm?

The actual power of any given cartridge is based on speed and weight of the bullet. There are multiple different loads for the 9mm Parabellum, and for the .45 ACP. HOWEVER- in general, the 9mm Parabellum has a higher energy than the .45 ACP. Search Wikipedia for 9mm Parabellum, and for .45 ACP. Scroll down for energy figures on the left. It should be noted that almost all .45 loads have heavier bullets, and the .45 ACP is generally considered to have greater "stopping" power than the 9mm.

What does acp mean?

ACP stands for Automatic Colt Pistol. It is used to differentiate two bullets of the same caliber when one is for a pistol and one is for a revolver. For instance, .45 Colt is for a revolver, and .45 ACP is for a pistol. Other than the .45 inch measurement, the two have nothing in common and are not interchangeable; the .45 ACP cannot be used in a revolver chambered for .45 Colt and vice versa. The cartridge length and capacity are just two of the factors that make each different from the other.